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Discovery of Urdu Language


Discovery of Urdu Language

Discovery of the Urdu Language

Urdu is a rich and complex language that has several forms and variations. Urdu is the official language of Pakistan and is also spoken in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and other parts of the world. Let's take a closer look at the different forms of Urdu that exist.

Standard Urdu

This is the most commonly used form of Urdu, and it is the official language of Pakistan. Standard Urdu is based on the Khariboli dialect of Delhi and is written in the Perso-Arabic script. Standard Urdu has been influenced by Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, and it has a rich literary tradition that includes poetry, prose, drama, and criticism.


Rekhta is an older form of Urdu that was popular during the 17th and 18th centuries. It is characterized by a mix of Persian and Arabic vocabulary and is considered to be a literary language. Rekhta was used by poets and writers in the Mughal courts and is known for its intricate and ornate style.


Dakhini is a form of Urdu that is spoken in the Deccan region of India, including parts of Maharashtra, Telangana, and Karnataka. It is characterized by a mix of Urdu, Telugu, and Marathi, and it has a distinctly regional flavor.

Hyderabadi Urdu

Hyderabadi Urdu is a form of Urdu that is spoken in the city of Hyderabad in India. It is characterized by a mix of Urdu, Telugu, and Marathi and is known for its unique accent and colloquialisms.

Lucknowi Urdu

Lucknowi Urdu is a form of Urdu that is spoken in the city of Lucknow in India. It is known for its elegance, refinement, and sophistication, and it has a rich literary tradition that includes poetry, prose, and drama.

Muhajir Urdu

Muhajir Urdu is a form of Urdu that is spoken by the Urdu-speaking Muslim migrants who migrated from India to Pakistan after the partition of India in 1947. It is characterized by a mix of Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu, and it has its own distinct vocabulary and accent.

Bihari Urdu

Bihari Urdu is a form of Urdu that is spoken in the Bihar region of India. It is characterized by a mix of Hindi, Bhojpuri, and Urdu, and it has a distinctly regional flavor.

Khariboli Urdu

Khariboli Urdu is a form of Urdu that is spoken in the northern parts of India, including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana. It is characterized by a mix of Hindi and Urdu, and it is often used in Bollywood films and popular media.

Urdu is a beautiful language of South Asia with many forms and variations.

Urdu is a diverse and complex language that has several forms and variations. Each form has its own unique characteristics and nuances, and they are all an essential part of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of South Asia. Whether you are a speaker or a learner of Urdu, it is important to be aware of the different forms of Urdu that exist, as they all contribute to the richness and diversity of this beautiful language.

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